Denesters femc-admin September 9, 2014

Jumpstart your production with an FEMC Denester.


Denesting automation is the pacesetter for your entire production process. With so much at stake, it’s important to have a reliable system you can count on. FEMC is the industry expert in denesting automation and offers a variety of machines to fit virtually any need. Whether you are hand placing, starting a new line, or replacing an existing system that is giving you trouble, FEMC can help! Denesting automation can be used with plastic, paper, foam, metal, and more materials for applications in industries such as: Ready-to-eat meals, meat packing, frozen meals, container production, produce packaging, single-serve foods, and co-pack labeling. If you need to reduce labor, increase throughput, or minimize downtime, contact FEMC to find out what solutions are available to achieve your goals!

Which Denester is right for you?

Choosing the perfect Denester can be complex. That’s why FEMC, with 45 years of expertise, created a simple, 5-question quiz. Stop guessing. Take the quiz now and find your ideal Denester.

This is a 3d render of an FEMC Screw Denester.

Screw Denester

Do your containers have a consistent gap when they’re stacked? Then you might just need a Screw Denester.

This is a 3D rendered image of an FEMC Peel denester.

Peel Denester

Do your containers use paper, pulp, or molded fiber? If so, our Peel Denester is most likely the best fit for you!

This is a 3D rendered image of an FEMC pick and slide denester.

Pick and Slide Denester

Do your containers have compressed flanges? The Pick and Slide Denester is the solution you need to tackle your problem!

This is a 3D rendered image of an FEMC pick and place denester.

Pick and Place Denester

Do your containers stick together? Then you’ll want to pick this option to place them accurately.

This is a 3d rendered image of an FEMC Robotic Arm.

Robo Arm Denester

Need a more sophisticated solution? We can program a robo arm to do just about anything.

This is a 3D rendering of an FEMC Screw Denester.

Custom Denester

Don’t see anything that fits? It’s rare, but possible. We’ll engineer a custom solution to fit your needs!

Screw Denesters

FEMC’s selection of screw denesters include a three-part telescoping screw machine, a rotary loader, and an inline loader. A screw denester can be a reliable pacesetter for your production process, with ROI achievable in just one year. Our screw denesters do not require any change tools or parts and are versatile enough to handle a variety of sizes. These machines are also gentle on styrofoam.

This is a 3d render of an FEMC Screw Denester.
Play Video about This is a 3d render of an FEMC Screw Denester.
This is a 3D rendered image of an FEMC Peel denester.
Play Video about This is a 3D rendered image of an FEMC Peel denester.

Peel Denesters

Using friction feeding, FEMC’s peel denesters will denest and place paperboard trays. Our machines use a unique gripping action that “pinches” and peels each tray away from the stack. This denesting technology delivers accurate container placement and is adjustable for different sizes.

Pick & Slide Denesters

Pick and slide denesters from FEMC will accurately place your products on motion conveyors, with both continuous and indexing operations available. These denesting machines use vacuum picking technology to place different types of nesting products with precision.

This is a 3D rendered image of an FEMC pick and slide denester.
Play Video about This is a 3D rendered image of an FEMC pick and slide denester.
This is a 3D rendered image of an FEMC pick and place denester.
Play Video about This is a 3D rendered image of an FEMC pick and place denester.

Pick & Place Denesters

When you need accurate pick and place denesting abilities for custom integrations, look no further than FEMC’s pick and place denesters. We can provide a unique denesting solution for any item with a unique stacking feature, whether they are trays, lips, or cups. These denesters are ideal for a variety of industries, from cosmetics to food and beverage.

Robotic Solutions

Designed to automatically denest and accurately place trays, lids, cups or any items that posses less than uniform stacking features. These denesters are typically used when neither the Universal Screw or Eccentric Peel Denesters can handle the container. A robotic peeling assembly uses a sanitary vacuum suction cup to grasp and place the container.

This is a 3d rendered image of an FEMC Robotic Arm.
Play Video about This is a 3d rendered image of an FEMC Robotic Arm.

Why Are Denesting Solutions Important?

The efficiency of all downstream systems after the materials are placed on the line can only be as good as the system at the beginning of the process. Manually placing products can be slow and inconsistent. Other denesting machines can be limited in regards to efficiency, speed, and ease of changeover between products.

FEMC denesters are built for decades of durability, and they show up to work every day! Our machines are built to minimize maintenance and maximize uptime. With specially designed separating features available nowhere else on the market, FEMC denesters can accommodate a wide range of materials with simplified setups incorporated into our designs.

This is a 3D rendering of an FEMC Flighted Belt Conveyor.

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On Your Denesting Solution.

Choosing the right denester to fit your needs can be a confusing and lonely process.

But, that’s what we’re here for. Complete the contact form to receive a FREE consultation, ROI analysis, and more. Tap the button below to get started.